The Republicans’ childish policy of complete obstructionism has reached a new low, they refuse to even have hearings for a new Supreme Court nominee. This is 100% about hurting Obama, they don’t care about the will of the people. Their entire policy from the second he was first elected has been “make Obama a one term President.”
It didn’t work.
And now they are under the delusion that they will win the White House back in November, with Trump or Cruz or whatever far-right bigot they put out there. Guess what, that’s not going to happen.
It’s over.
You will lose again, and not just the presidency.
You do not represent America, you represent people that vote against their own interests because Fox News told them Obama is evil. Along with a vile minority that would be happy going back to the days where black people were property and women couldn’t vote. And don’t give me that “But Lincoln was a Republican!” crap. Or has your selective memory made you forget the 1960s and the southern strategy?
All your talk about leaving it “up to the American people” is pure BS, the “American people” had their say. They voted Obama in twice, and you’ve never made any attempt at working with him. You use your propaganda channel Fox News to scare racists into thinking he’s coming after their guns. You say you’re Christians yet spout off with vile and hateful lies about how gay marriage will “destroy the traditional family.” Oh, and you using your twisted religious beliefs to justify trying to repress the rights of people is not only sickening, it’s unconstitutional. But then as we all know, you only bring the constitution up when it’s convenient for your agenda. Like when you continually do absolutely nothing every time a mass shooting happens, instead of trying to prevent more tragedies you invoke the second amendment and spout off about “not taking our guns away!”
The entire time Obama has been President you’ve done nothing but obstruct him in every way.
You are traitors.
You say you want “small government” but do nothing but push laws into place to control people’s lives.
You talk about the constitution but rip it to shreds every chance you get.
You ignore HUGE issues with the police and justice system, because it’s not rich white people being systematically targeted and murdered.
Your entire platform is built on racism, homophobia, sexism and the “fuck you I’ve got mine” “bootstraps” mentality.
You are all liars.
The sooner your party loses in historic fashion the better.
But of course, instead of realizing how insane and vile you’ve become, you’ll just get worse.
Just like the last 8 years.